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Successful Delivery: The 2013 Album Package in Chile

Reggae Steady Ska Album package 2014 winner

To me, it’s still exciting (and frightening at the same time) to send a package filled with precious cds all around the world. We’ve been collecting albums for the Reggae Steady Ska Album Package over a whole year, some have been signed by the artists, which makes the package even more unique.

Now so many things can happen once they have been delivered to the post office. In the worst case, the cds get lost on their way. Or they arrive heavily damaged or incomplete. Or, which would also be a downer, they are sent back because the receiver couldn’t be found. Professional mail order shops have to deal with this day-in and day-out. But that’s not what we are. We send a gift as friends.

Free Ska 2013
Some of the albums that ended up in the 2013 Reggae Steady Ska Album Package

That’s why it’s a thrill to see that our annual album package with more then 20 cds has arrived safely again, this time after a trip from Europe to Latin America. The main prize of the Reggae Steady Ska big give away from 2013, went from Cologne (Germany) to Santiago (Chile).

Thanks to Rodrigo for sending over photos, from Santiago in autumn, where the leaves have started falling from the trees.

Here are some words from Rodrigo:

“… While i write this message i’m listening and enjoying this precious music. Another thing, while i was opening the box in my home, my family was all surprised about this big (for me) gift from Reggae Steady Ska. So they said to me What a Lucky Rodrigo! :-)”

Thanks to all labels and bands that made this give away possible.


If you like to take part in the next give aways at Reggae Steady Ska, make sure to sign up for our free newsletter. Instructions on how to win will be published there towards the end of the year. Labels who like to contribute to the give away or send us their releases anyway, shoot me an email at: joachim@reggae-steady-ska.com. Thanks.

The 2013 Reggae Steady Ska Album Package
The 2012 Reggae Steady Ska Album Package

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With his Ska band The Braces (1984-1991, 2000-2006) Joachim Uerschels released three albums for Unicorn, Pork Pie and Mad Butcher Records. He lives in Cologne, Germany as a writer and musician. In 2016, he published his solo debut album "Songbook Vol. II" as Joe ScholesJoe Scholes
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